Providing safe homes
Your home
We know how important your home is to you. At Active Prospects, you can choose how you live, and who you live with, depending on your individual needs and preferences.
- If you need a lot of support, you might live as part of a group in a house owned and run by Active Prospects. This is called residential services.
- You might live with a group of people, with help from Active Prospects where and when you need it. This is called shared supported living services.
- You may wish to live on your own, with more choice and control in your life, but with visiting help from us according to your needs. This is called supported living.
- If you have a landlord, who owns the house you live in, they will look after it and make sure it’s in good condition. Whether your landlord is us, or someone else, you should be given a tenancy agreement. This is a very important document: it tells you what your rights and responsibilities are, so you should read and look after it carefully.
Our housing services team offers:
- Housing advice
- Property repairs and maintenance
- Installing personal aid equipment and making property adaptations
- Managing tenancies and relationships with neighbours
- Supporting your claims for housing benefit
- Helping with benefits advice to pay for your accommodation and living costs, including any costs you need to pay yourself
- Managing Active Prospect’s properties in the Southeast
- Managing properties for other landlords and property owners
- Helping you move to another home if you wish
You can contact our Housing and Maintenance team by calling 01737 924238 / 924236 or by emailing
Read our guides
Financial Abuse Easy Read
An easy read guide to dealing with financial abuse.
Hate Crime Easy Read
An easy read guide about hate crime.
Safeguarding Easy Read
An easy read guide to safeguarding.
Active Prospects Impact Report 2024
Active Prospects Impact Report 2024
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Active Prospects believes you have the right to be heard. We will listen to your views and opinions about and make sure they are used to enhance and improve services.