Wolverton Gardens celebrates 20 years of great care

Active Prospects’ residential service, Wolverton Gardens in Horley, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Staff wanted to have a celebration and involved the people we support in the service, three of whom have lived there since it opened, to agree and plan the event.

As the anniversary fell during National Coproduction Week it seemed fitting that staff and people we support worked together to plan, organise and cook for the party, ensuring that everyone’s opinions were taken into account.

Staff member, Kerry, was assisted in her cupcake baking by resident, Sybil, and other people we support got involved in decorating the hedgehog cake and making the watermelon crocodile. Staff member, Khateeja, also contributed by rustling up a delicious curry and biryani.

A great time was had by everyone at Wolverton Gardens, as well as staff and people we support from other services who were also invited to attend.

Happy Birthday Wolverton Gardens!

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