
Olivia came to Active Prospects after her previous provider threatened to leave her in the car park at Surrey Adult services. This was because they could no longer support her due to an increase in behaviours of concern. This was on a Friday afternoon and the only other option was admission to hospital. The previous providers were taking her out in a car all day to prevent any incidents and safeguardings to others living in the service. Over 20 other providers were approached about providing care but they all felt her needs were too challenging.

Olivia came to Young Prospects (short breaks service) as an emergency placement on that Friday and with support of our dedicated staff, a positive behaviour support approach and structured routine were put into place. Active Prospects worked with health professionals to address some clear health needs especially around use of the wheelchair. A full sensory, speech and language and occupational health assessment confirmed that Olivia can walk but needed specially made shoes. Once the new shoes were made Olivia never used her wheelchair again and walks within her local community.

Over the next 6 months her medication was decreased and as required medication was reviewed in line with STOMP guidance.

After 6 months at Young Prospects, a dedicated team was developed. They transferred with her to her new, developed bungalow of which she shares with one other person. Olivia has her own sensory room within the bungalow which she uses daily. She now lives in an environment that has been specially adapted around her needs.

Active Prospects Celebrated in SE100 Index for Fifth Consecutive Year
Active Prospects Celebrated in SE100 Index for Fifth Consecutive Year

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Active Prospects wins National Employer of the Year Award
Active Prospects wins National Employer of the Year Award

Active Prospects has won a prestigious national employer award, overcoming stiff competition from eleven other not-for-profit care providers.

Supporting East Surrey by alleviating the Cost of Living Crisis and improving lives
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