New Home Provides Transformational Care

Our new Redhill Transforming Care service opened at the end of March is now home to two young people with learning disabilities and high support needs.  Both initially came to Active Prospects’ Young Prospects short break service as emergency placements following multiple placement breakdowns with other providers who struggled to cope, as they displayed behaviours that challenge.

In time, a bungalow was sourced for them that would provide the physical environment they needed.  Some adaptions were needed to the property to make it suitable but they are now settled in and enjoying their new home.

An experienced and consistent staff team trained in positive behaviour support techniques, has ensured that both young people coped with the changes in their lives, and ensured a smooth transition.  Julia* came to us the first and we have had a longer period of time to get to know her and understand what triggers her incidents of behaviours that challenge, and effective calming techniques.  Thanks to the skill and dedication of her staff team, she has transformed into a happy and engaging young woman, who enjoys a good quality of life and staff really enjoy supporting her.

Philip* has only been with us a short time and his behaviours were more pronounced than Julia’s, including incidents of self-harm.  However, he is already making significant progress and the safe and calm environment is proving to have a very positive effect.  His incidents of behaviours of concern have reduced from several major incidents per week to a few per month and are less severe.

Philip and Julia now share some activities together, like going out for a meal or to the cinema, but both enjoy time on their own.  Julia particular enjoys being outdoors in the garden or being out in her local community.

The staff team have gone the extra mile to make the new service a success and the Service Manager says the team “…did this not because they were asked to, but because they genuinely care”.   He attributes this to having been fully involved in building the service from the start. The service is tailored to meet the needs of the individuals and delivered in a way that offers flexibility, choice and continuity of care.  Philip’s parent said to us recently, “Thank you, you saved my son”.

*Names have been changed

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