Mosaic of Hope comes to the Belfry Shopping Centre

Over the weekend of 19/20th June, Active Prospects will be showcasing their mosaic of Hope at the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill.

We are displaying it to mark national Learning Disability Week (14-20 June, led by Mencap), for which this year’s theme is art & creativity. The mosaic comprises thirty-two A3 individual tiles, coming together to form the overall ‘Mosaic of Hope’.

This montage of ‘Hope’ has been a collaborative creative project initiated by our Active Living activity program, between people we support, their families, our services, and staff. The initial drawing and template was created as our vision of Hope for Comic Relief 2021 by Support Worker Angela Wildy. It contains 32 A3 individual tiles, coming together to form the overall and highly impactful ‘Mosaic of Hope’.


At Active Prospects, we provide support and care for people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health diagnosis or physical disabilities, in a range of supported living and residential services throughout Surrey and Sussex. This mosaic was created by local people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs, who are supported by Active Prospects.

The title ‘Mosaic of Hope’ was chosen by the people we support, to reflect their feelings of hope as we start to emerge from over a year of restrictions. People with learning disabilities have been up to six times more likely to die of coronavirus than the rest of the population.

Active Prospects is a charitable care provider based in Reigate. We provide residential and supported living services to over 200 people across East Surrey. Our ethos is to help the people we support to lead aspiring lives, so that wherever possible they can enjoy the same opportunities as everyone else.

We hope you like our mosaic! If you would like to make a donation, you can do so at

The mosaic was created by:

Jenny; Elizabeth; Jenny; Michael Mc; Peter; Steph; Rita; Pat; Michael F; Matthew; Matthew L; Maria; Julie; Kieran; Jade; Trudy; Adrian; Carol – and all at services, Woodview; Gloucester Road; Lesbourne Road; Chapel Road; Active Living; The Pines; Aspiring Prospects; Blanford Road; Beech Lodge; Montfort Rise and Young Prospects.

Active Prospects’ commitment to innovative care solutions
Active Prospects’ commitment to innovative care solutions

At Active Prospects, we continuously seek innovative ways to enhance the lives of the people we support. Our

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