Each year Active Prospects carries out a comprehensive satisfaction survey for people we support and their families/relatives.
Key findings from our recent survey include:
- 93% of people would recommend their service to friends and family – up 6% from last year.
- 98% of people thought staff were caring – up 4% from last year
- 95% felt staff supported them to do things in the community and 93% thought their home was a nice place
- 96% of relatives thought the service was very good or good – up 12% from last year.
- 96% of relatives would recommend Active Prospects to a friend – up 13% from last year.
- 100% of relatives thought staff were caring or very caring.
- 82% of relatives though communication was very good or good – up 7% from last year.
There are some areas for improvement and we are developing action plans to take these forward.
But what a fantastic testament to the amazing work our staff do each day that makes this positive feedback happen – and brilliant to have so much improvement in the figures. Our staff should be very proud.