Active Prospects officially named a 2023 UK’s Best Workplace™ for Women!

Active Prospects has been named as one of the UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women by Great Place to Work® UK,

Active Prospects’ ranking reflects the value that we place on women as a talent pool and how much we strive for fair representation of women in the workforce and throughout management:

  • Half of our Executive Management Team are women, compared to the average of only 26% at companies across the country.
  • We publish our diversity pay gap each year and the latest figures show that women were on average paid slightly more than their male equivalents.
  • Our Great Places to Work survey revealed that an identical score of 88% was given by male and female employees who agree “people here are treated fairly regardless of their gender”.
  • 82% of female employees agreed with the statement “I am offered development and training to further myself professionally”, compared to only 60% at an average UK company.

Maria Mills, CEO of Active Prospects, said:

“We’re proud to be named as one of the UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women. Making sure every single employee feels included and that they belong is something we’ve worked hard to achieve and sustain.

This is the first time we have taken the Great Places to Work survey, and it’s unusual to even be accredited at the first attempt. We can be very proud to be ranked 17th (and top in the care sector) among all Large Employers as well as featuring in UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women , and the best places to work for Wellbeing.

The survey is anonymous so it’s a true reflection of what our employees think. We firmly believe that employees who feel valued and treated fairly are more likely to provide great care for the people we support.”

Benedict Gautrey, Managing Director of Great Place to Work® UK, said:

“We’re delighted to announce our 2023 collection of the Best WorkplacesTM for Women for the sixth consecutive year. This list celebrates the workplaces that are not just providing a great work environment for all, but are ensuring they’re creating a positive and supportive environment for women too. Each of the companies on our list have been commended by their own female employees who have anonymously told us their workplace has gone above and beyond to ensure that women employees are treated fairly in terms of recognition, training, and promotion opportunities. Ensuring people aren’t discriminated against, placing positive value on our differences, creating fair access and advancement for all, and fostering a sense of value and empowerment in employees is what being a Great Place to Work® is all about. It is fantastic to once again celebrate so many Best Workplaces™ for Women this year,across all sectors and organisational sizes.” 

About Great Place to Work® 

Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture, helping organisations to create exceptional, high-performing workplaces where employees feel trusted and valued. The UK’s Best Workplaces™ for Women awards enable these outstanding organisations to celebrate their achievements, build their employer brand, and inspire others to take action. For more information, visit

Active Prospects has received an incredible £5,000 donation from leading photo printing company, CEWE.
Active Prospects has received an incredible £5,000 donation from leading photo printing company, CEWE.

Thanks to a heartfelt nomination from renowned photographer Christie Goodwin, whose son is a person we support, CEWE

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Active Prospects Celebrates Recognition as a Top UK Workplace

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Supporting Aspiring Lives: everyone deserves the chance to live a life of purpose and opportunity
Supporting Aspiring Lives: everyone deserves the chance to live a life of purpose and opportunity

At Active Prospects, our purpose is clear: to enable the people we support to lead full and aspiring