Blanford Road – Residential Service


Blanford Road is specialist services designed to accommodate the needs of people with severe learning and physical disabilities.

What support is available

Staff are on site 24 hours a day, including sleep-in and waking night.


Blanford Road has a clear ethos of providing choice, maintaining skills and creating opportunity for people to have meaningful engagement in the house, with their friends and family, and be part of the wider community. This is a residential service offering care and support for up to 6 individuals with learning disabilities and associated health needs including dementia, epilepsy and dysphagia. It provides comfortable rooms, spacious communal areas, our own vehicle to enable people to easily access the wider community with support, as well as an assisted bathroom with tracking hoist and Parker bath and assisted toilet. All of the accommodation is on the ground floor. This is an ideal service for people who need higher levels of support. Staff are on site 24 hours a day, including sleep-in and waking night.

Blanford Road has a dedicated team providing 24/7 shared support and excellent facilities including:

• a wheelchair accessible garden and patio -lovely spacious lounge where many activities take place
• assisted bathrooms with tracking hoist and Parker bath
• wheelchair accessible vehicle for regular shopping trips, meals out and to explore the local area

Local area

Living at Blanford Road can provide a busy active life for people with complex learning and health needs. There is also a busy in-house activity schedule available including gardening, cooking, arts, music and aromatherapy. With a range of social groups, day services, college and community venues to explore, life is never boring at Blanford Road!

How to make a referral

Social care team to email the following to

  • Assessment of needs
  • Recent risk assessment
  • Relevant historic information

Someone will aim to respond within 48 hours


CQC rating

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Contact us to enquire


Call our Housing team on tel.07812 487831